Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Remembering Possum Hollow

[David Covington Parham/2013-07-17]: My precious memories of Possum Hollow are all I need any more:

> I learned to enjoy coffee there, on the front porch - enough cream and sugar can encourage most any child to enjoy a Cup O' Joe!
> I learned Jimmy had issues with the texture of Jello - that blew my mind :).
> I had such a sweet tooth, Grandaddy Poss literally sat me down and made me eat a whole container of sugar! [no, I do not think I finished it, but oh the memories....]
> Little Jan sat on Granmom's lap and asked her, "Grandmom, how old are you?" "Why, I'm 29.", to which Jan replied [I remember this like it was last week], "GAH, you look like you're EIGHTY!" oh man that is so funny/LOL!!!
> Swinging on the hammock was such a good feeling.
> I really enjoyed drawing an alien head with magic markers on poster board.
> During Star Trek role playing, Jimmy just always seemed to be the most sensible James T. Kirk.
> Jimmy made a model - was it a P38 Lightning?
> My eyes played tricks on me during one very dark night sleeping there - existing light-floaters or something - odd, very odd, but likely just eye rods/cones, etc.
> Watching Hogan's Heroes on TV, and Red Skelton.
> We'd ride in the car in the summer with the windows up, wrapped in our towels to get really warm, then run from the car into Lion's Beach. Refreshing! Saw a huge 2-ft dead fish floating one day.
> Grandmom tried to hook me up with the girl lifeguard there one day. The girl was probably hot, but I was such a dweeb.
> Grandmom had found a snake skin hanging from a hole in the ceiling above her bed, indicating the snake had likely fallen onto her bed while she was away! [WOW, can't say that would've not been a disaster were she sleeping when that happened!]
> I remember playing with the neighbor Billy, throwing pebbles into the sky for bats to chase back down to the ground.
> Uncle Poss would do like 100 push ups, and run - to Lion's Beach?
> We all hung out there before Grandad's funeral. I was 12. It didn't really hit me emotionally until the funeral/then it was very sad.
> The shed in the back yard was always crowded, and had that "old shed smell".
> And Bradley looked very scary with that patch on his eye!